Shaving is often seen as a rite of passage for many young boys. Shaving is an indication that you are on the road to young adulthood. Given how remarkable this is, many guys often ask when they should start shaving. 

Now, this question seems simple at face value but there are actually quite a few things you need to consider. This is why we thought it would be useful to have a brief discussion on this subject. If this is something that you want to learn more about, read on as we talk about when guys should start shaving their facial hair.

When Does Facial Hair Start Growing?

The short answer to this question is puberty. Men’s facial hair starts coming in during puberty, as their body starts producing more testosterone. The testosterone is what causes guys to start growing taller, getting deeper voices, and growing facial hair. The tricky thing about this is that guys start puberty at different ages. 

Boys usually start puberty at around age 11. With that being said, the evident physical changes only start at around age 13. Take note that puberty can start earlier or later as everyone’s body is different.

Should You Shave Once Your Facial Hair Starts Growing?

So should you start shaving once you hit puberty and your facial hair starts to grow out? Well, this depends as everyone has their preferences when it comes to facial hair. You also have to consider that your facial hair might not even be long enough to consider shaving yet. To add to this, not all young boys are ready to start shaving so it may be worth holding off on it until you think you’re ready. Now, some parts of your facial hair may start growing faster than the other parts. For cases like this, you may want to consider shaving the parts that are growing longer than the other parts so you won’t look too untidy. 

How Do You Shave for the First Time?

If you do decide to shave, then it’s best to do it correctly. Now, we know many of you may be clueless about how to do this. This is why we’ve prepared a quick guide that you can follow:

  1. The first thing that you should do is to wash your face. Make sure that the area that you are shaving is clean and hydrated. This will make it easier for the blade to cut through the hair.
  2. We suggest applying shaving gel or cream all over the area that you are going to shave. The shaving cream will soften and lubricate the hair, which will make it easier to shave.
  3. After applying the shaving cream, you can start to shave. Use your razor and take light and gentle strokes down your face.
  4. Once you’re done shaving, we suggest that you wash your face and neck again. This will help soothe your skin and reduce the itchiness that comes with shaving your facial hair.


Hopefully, this article proves to be useful when it comes to helping you determine the right time to shave. There isn’t really a “best” time to shave. At the end of the day, the decision will be entirely up to you. If you do end up deciding to shave and find that you need help, we recommend that you head to the best barbershop in your area instead of trying to do everything yourself.

DAS’it Barbershop is a unique, classic, and premium barbershop in New York City. What we offer is professional barbering services 7 Days a Week. For more information on our services, check out our website today!