Some people mistakenly believe that there is no work and maintenance required if you have a beard. Contrary to popular belief, having a beard is more than just sitting and waiting for your facial hair to grow. Indeed, the secret to having a great beard is proper beard care and maintenance. When it comes to beard care, one of the most basic things you have to do is to trim your beard. 

While trimming your beard is rather simple, there are some things that you have to be on the lookout for. Indeed, there are a slew of mistakes that are pretty easy to make if you aren’t aware of them. To help you out, we thought it would be useful to have a short discussion about this subject. If this is something that you want to learn more about, read on as we list down the three most common beard trimming mistakes. 

The Neckline

This is by far the most common error committed by men when it comes to their facial hair. It can be rather tricky to figure out how to fix your neckline. Some people either have it too low or too high. The best way to do this is to determine where your neckline should be shaved in by trying it out. While this may seem counterintuitive, this is the best way to figure out the best way to trim your beard.

Despite how trivial this may seem, trimming your neckline the right way will make your beard look a lot better. As you grow your beard, the hairs under your jawline will help it grow fuller. This is because these hairs are thicker.

The Top Line

Now, the neckline isn’t the only thing you have to worry about. Shaving your top line can also be rather difficult if you aren’t used to it. it’s inevitable that you, at some point, will save one side higher than the other. Most people make a mistake with their top line because they tend to keep tweaking the way they trim their facial hair. While it may be difficult, try not to overthink things. A good rule of thumb is to stop yourself from going back and forth on your beard more than twice. Remember, nobody else is staring at your beard close enough to notice the difference. 

Over Trimming

Lastly, people tend to over trim their beards. While it’s important to trim, it’s also vital to know when to stop. Remember, all that you’re really doing is cleaning up your beard. The overall look of your beard shouldn’t change after trimming it.  Despite how tempting it may be, over trimming will make your beard look extremely unnatural. The great thing about beards is that they already look great and all you need to do is to trim your facial hair in a way that makes it look even.


We hope this article proves to be useful when it comes to helping you avoid these common beard trimming mistakes. While they may seem trivial, the details matter when it comes to beards. Small changes will make a world of a difference as minor adjustments will make your beard look infinitely better. Be sure to keep all of this information in mind 

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