Having a beard is more than just waiting for it to grow out. Indeed, there are things that you need to do to maintain your beard and ensure that it grows out properly. This is especially true if your beard grows sideways, as it can be particularly difficult to manage. Luckily, there are things that you can do about this.

Contrary to what you may believe, fixing beards that grow sideways doesn’t have to be difficult. This is true even for men with the most unruly beards. If this is something that you want to learn more about, read on for three easy fixes that will help men with beards that grow sideways.

Use a Beard Brush

Many of you may not know this but you can actually train your beard so that it grows in a specific direction. Brushing regularly in a certain direction trains the hairs to grow that way over time. Take note that this will not overnight and will only work if you keep at it for a long period of time. Consistency is key when it comes to beard training, as you’ll need to do it every single day until you see visible effects. 

For the most part, you can expect the effects to take hold after two to three months. Be sure to be wary about over brushing as it can negatively affect how your beard grows. To avoid over brushing, we recommend that you only brush your beard once a day 

Apply Beard Butter or Wax

If you’re looking for a quick fix, then you can try making use of beard care products. Products like beard balm and beard wax can hold your beard in place. So which of these products should you be using? 

The product you use will fully depend on how much hold you need. Beard butter has less hold but won’t feel as heavy as the other products. If you’re looking for a product with a little more hold, then beard wax may just be what you need. Wax also allows you to style your beard in specific ways. However, it has to be said that beard wax tends to feel heavier than beard butter.

Trim It in the Right Areas

While this won’t really change the direction that your beard grows in, trimming it in the right areas makes this significantly less noticeable. You can do this yourself by making use of a beard trimmer with adjustable size guards. Now, this can be rather tricky as you’ll need to carefully trim the beard in a way that varies the length. 

You’ll want to keep the areas that are extra unruly slightly thicker than the rest of your beard as this will make the unruly hairs less noticeable.

If you aren’t confident that you can do this by yourself, we suggest that you look for the best barbershop to help you pull this off.


Hopefully, this article proves to be useful when it comes to helping you manage your facial hair. Be sure to keep these tips in mind when addressing your beard issues. While it may seem tedious to have to fix your beard in this way, these fixes should make everything infinitely easier for you. 

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