Facial hair is in style at the moment, and the latest in beard care products and techniques make it easier than ever before to style your own facial hair. However, growing a beard can sometimes be the wrong move.

It takes months to grow but minutes to shave it off. If you’re on the fence about whether or not to shave your beard, keep these points in mind.

Here’s why you should consider shaving your beard.

1. You’re Hurting Your Appearance

If your beard has grown out past your chin, it’s probably causing you some serious headaches. In addition to increasing your risk of developing skin problems, facial hair can do some damage to your appearance. The excess hair around your mouth can get messy and unruly. It’s difficult to keep your whiskers in line, which causes frustration when you’re trying to get ready for the day.

2. Beards Take More Care Than Hair

If you work from home or in an office with a flexible dress code, growing a beard could be a great idea. But if you’re a business professional, then you’re not going to appreciate having to keep up with a beard. The key to having a beard is remembering to groom it.

A beard needs to be washed frequently and carefully maintained.

With a beard, you will have to keep up with regular visits to the barbershop. Beards are also more prone to getting caught in things and being gnawed on by fleas and other critters, which can be a hassle to deal with.

3. You Have a Job Interview Coming Up

If you’re going to be meeting with a prospective employer, it’s probably wise to shave off your beard beforehand. Employers prefer clean-cut and professional employees. While many companies are open to employees having some facial hair, most managers want to see their employees with the best appearance possible.

A beard can be a turn-off to some employers, so you may want to consider maintaining a clean-shaven appearance.

4. It Makes You Look Older

If you’re in your twenties or thirties, having a beard makes you look older. You may enjoy having the appearance of being older, but many people will interpret it as looking out of place.

There is nothing wrong with looking older, but you probably don’t want to look old before your time. If you have a beard, then you look older than you are.

5. You Have Bald Patches on Your Beard

It’s not uncommon for those who have a beard or mustache to have some bald patches. If you’re not careful and don’t want to style your facial hair on a regular basis, you can end up shaving some patches of your beard, or your whole beard, into a goatee.

Many men are unaware that they have bald patches on their beards until someone points it out. If you find it difficult to see the top of your beard or the sides of your face when you look in the mirror, you may have a patchy beard.


Having a beard is trendy, but it’s a choice. The fact that it’s trendy doesn’t necessarily mean it’s for you. If you’re considering growing a beard, think about the points mentioned above before you commit to growing or shaving your facial hair.

If you need some expert advice about growing, shaving, or styling your beard, DAS’it Barbershop is here to help. Our master barbers can give you a nice, clean shave or a good haircut to bring out the best in you. Whenever you’re looking for top-notch professional barbers, visit DAS’it Barbershop in New York City.