Many guys go through the same problems, but growing facial hair is one of the more prevalent ones. After all, any guy with a patchy beard looks either goofy or downright nasty. Unfortunately, facial hair growth boils down to genetics, meaning if you’re meant to have facial hair, you’re going to have it. If you’re not blessed with excellent genetics, you’re not going to have a manly beard.

The good news is, hope isn’t entirely lost because you can still fix a patchy beard. How exactly do you do that? We’ll list down ways to help you with your problem, so read on below to get started.

Allow It to Grow

The first thing you should avoid is shaving it off. Yeah, you might have the urge to use a razor to get rid of that stubble, but that’s a bad idea. If you shave your patchy areas, they’ll tend to grow even slower than they already are.

So, what should you do instead? Just allow your beard to grow naturally. The more time you allow it to grow, the better, as you can use that time to manage your wild hair properly.

Have a Stubble

If you want to grow a full beard, you might be disappointed to know that it will take you months, if not years, to get it. That said, you can have a beard with stubble, which is far better than having a completely bare face.

So, if you’re worried about a patchy beard, you should just have a stubble instead. It’s easier to manage, and you can do it in less time than when it comes to growing a full beard.

Use Beard Grooming Products

If you want to have a full beard in a few months, you can use beard grooming products. These come in conditioners, balms, creams, and oils. These help tame your wild hairs, which in turn make them easier to manage.

There are tons of beard grooming products out there, so it’s hard to decide which ones are right for you. To help you out, here are the top beard grooming products on the market today:

  • Beard Oil – Beard oils are popular because they can help fix the flaky skin of your beard. They can also soften your hair, which makes it easier to maintain.
  • Beard Balms – Beard balms can also help soften your beard while making your hair thicker. You apply it like a conditioner, but it goes on before using beard oil.
  • Beard Creams – Just like the name implies, beard creams condition your beard. They help make your hair softer, which makes it more manageable.
  • Beard Wax – Beard wax is similar to beard balm. However, it’s meant to be used right after you shower or wash your beard. You apply it like a conditioner, and it can help tame your wild beard within a few minutes.
  • Beard Brushes – Beard brushes can help you look stylish while ensuring that your beard stays neat. They won’t make your hair grow faster, but they can help make them look fuller.

Dye Your Beard

It may sound ridiculous, but dyeing your beard actually works in remedying a patchy beard because the color can cover the patchiness.

However, if you’re going to use this method, you’ll want to choose the right color for your beard, as it needs to match perfectly. You can go with a color that matches the hair on your head, or you can just stick with the darker hues. Just remember that the darker your beard is, the more you’ll have to maintain it. So, if you already have a full beard, the dye method would work better than when you don’t.


A patchy beard is hard to look at, which is why you need to take care of it as much as possible. If you’re growing a patchy beard and want to fix it, start with the methods above. The more you fix it, the better it’ll look.

DAS’it Barbershop provides top-quality services for beard care through razor and hot towel face shaves. Our experienced barbers are also proficient in cutting hair, so you bet that you’ll look like a new man after our treatment. Contact us today to learn more!