You take excellent care of your skin and physique. You put a lot of effort into eating well, exercising, and looking your best.

Great. But how does your hair look?

If your response is “not great,” or if you don’t give your hair any thought, you’re making a tremendous mistake. Consider this: good grooming does not end at the hairline! So, if you want to keep looking fantastic, you must correctly maintain and style your hair.

Here are ten vital, simple hair care recommendations for men to help you step up your game. But first,

What Scalp Type Do You Have?

Caring for your hair is closely related to caring for your scalp. After all, while hair follicles might be of various thicknesses and forms, resulting in straight, wavy, kinky, or curly hair, the strands themselves aren’t alive. As a result, good hair care begins at the scalp.

Because your scalp naturally secretes an oil called sebum, which keeps both your scalp and hair nourished and healthy, it’s crucial to understand that everyone has a distinct scalp type.

Oily Scalp

If you have an oily scalp, you’re probably already aware of it because your hair will frequently appear oily or even greasy even if you don’t do anything to it daily. When it comes to products for an oily scalp, you should avoid those that claim to be hydrating or moisturizing and instead choose those that claim to strengthen and balance the hair.

While dealing with greasy hair, to keep in mind is to avoid over-scrubbing. Though it may be natural to use a lot of force, creating an oily scalp softly is your best choice since overstimulating your scalp can cause it to create more sebum, exacerbating the condition.

Dry Scalp

If you have a dry scalp, you’re also likely already aware of it because the itchiness can be pretty unbearable at times. As you might imagine, a dry scalp is just the opposite of an oily scalp, and therefore the products you apply to it should be those that will hydrate your scalp and moisturize your hair.

Avoid using a brush with dry hair, as the friction caused by brushing will cause even more dryness and damage your scalp. Try to opt for oil treatment products as they’re better at getting to the root of the problem. You should also avoid any overly hot styling products as they too can exacerbate the problem.

Normal Scalp

If you’ve got a normal scalp, you’ve won the scalp lottery. Unfortunately, though, you’re still going to have to pay attention to the health of your scalp and hair to keep them in tip-top shape.

Healthy Hair Habits

Look For Sulfate-Free Products

While they may be more expensive, the benefits of sulfate-free products are well worth it. Sulfate-free products will not only hydrate your scalp but will also leave your hair feeling healthier, stronger, and shinier as well.

Stay Away From Heat

If you’re planning on going out to a summer barbecue, keep in mind that heat is the enemy of healthy hair. After all, hair is composed primarily of protein, and a large part of protein’s function is to help your hair resist the damage caused by the sun and other environmental factors.

Hair exposed to heat repeatedly will suffer from protein loss, making it dry, brittle, and ultimately, more prone to breakage.


It’s a good idea to remember that managing your hair is a long game. If you’re looking for immediate results, you’re probably going to be disappointed.

The most important thing to remember is that the better you care for your hair, the better it will look. While beauty products aren’t going to make your hair better than it ever could have been, they can certainly make it appear better than it ever could have been.

DAS’it Barbershop offers affordable haircuts in New York. Our goal has always been to elevate our clients’ look without asking for too much. Aside from regular haircuts, we also do other services like beard trim and hot towel shave. Visit our website for more information, or drop by the nearest barbershop near you today.