Whether it’s based on natural tendencies or cultural norms, there’s no denying that men, in general, have it pretty easy when it comes to their hair care routines.

Perhaps it’s the fact that hair care products have been marketed almost exclusively toward women for so long that men are just more accepting of their hair. Maybe it’s because men’s hair is thicker by definition, meaning they typically don’t have to work as hard to maintain it. Here are some more essential hair care tips for men. Read on!

Be Gentle When Toweling Off

While it’s natural to want to get your hair dry as soon as possible by forcefully washing with your towel, doing so on wet hair, which is more sensitive, will likely result in significant breakage. As a result, using a softer towel and working in the natural direction that your hair grows will be healthier for it in the long term.

Avoid Blow-Drying

Since heat is the enemy of your hair, avoid blow-drying as much as possible. If, for some reason, you’re trying to get your hair dry quickly, opt for a relaxed setting, section your hair, and take it from the bottom up. You’ll find that your hair looks drier sooner and that minor damage is done in the process.

Don’t Wash Your Hair Too Often.

The shampoo is designed to remove dirt and oil from your hair. While it’s true that it’s essential to get rid of dirt and oil, it’s also essential for your hair to be able to produce these substances in the first place. Shampoo can come with many chemicals that can strip your hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle.

Dry Shampoo Is Your Best Friend

Dry shampoo is a powder that you can sprinkle onto your hair to soak up oil instead of using shampoo to get it out of your hair. While some people may find the thought of using dry shampoo off-putting, you should know that it’s a good thing for your hair to be able to produce sebum, and in fact, your hair will be healthier if you can start to train your scalp to do this on its own.

Opt For a Wide Tooth Comb

Using a wide-tooth comb will help you get through tangles easier and with less breakage than a regular brush. Therefore, opt to use a wide-tooth comb when your hair is wet and a regular one when it’s dry.

Get Regular Haircuts

Having your hair cut regularly will not only keep split ends at bay but will also give your hair a chance to grow out without getting damaged by the sun or the wind.

Watch Your Diet

Your hair is your body, and what you put into your body, your body will put out. Therefore, eating junk food, drinking soda, and not getting enough nutrients will ultimately cause your hair to suffer as well. There’s a reason that several hair problems are linked to vitamin deficiencies.

Get Enough Sleep

This is probably the most important thing of all. People who don’t get enough sleep have been shown to have hair that is more brittle, more prone to breakage, and duller.


The way that you treat your hair isn’t just about vanity. Instead, it’s about keeping yourself healthy. After all, the nutrients, vitamins, and proteins that you put in your body will ultimately affect your hair as well.

It’s important to remember that the way that you take care of your hair is a long-term commitment. While you can’t expect immediate results, if you commit to caring for your hair, it will repay you in kind with a lifetime of great-looking locks.

DAS’it Barbershop is a New York City barbershop offering affordable men’s haircuts. Whether you need a beard trim or you want to change your current hairstyle, we’ve got your back. Contact us today to book a quick and professional shape-up barbering service!