Getting a bad haircut is towards the top of the list of things men don’t have time to deal with. And if you’re reading this, you’re most likely a new and not-so-proud member of the My-‘Do-Is-Totally-Ruined club. But here’s the good news: You may get out of your botched horrible hair day membership just as quickly as you got in.

Here are a few things you can do if you receive a terrible haircut, beginning with the one thing you should be doing right now.

1. Tell Your Barber ASAP

Hopefully, you won’t find yourself in this situation very often, but if you do, there’s one thing you should never do — nothing.

If you’re not happy with your haircut, tell your barber right away, and ask if they’re able to fix it. If they can’t, ask if they can refer you to another stylist who can.

It’s understandable if you’re apprehensive about looking more closely at your poorly-cut hair, but if there’s a chance you can fix the problem, you owe it to yourself and your barber to get things sorted out.

2. Be Specific on What You Don’t Like

The easiest way to figure out what to do next is to get specific about exactly what’s wrong with your haircut. This way, you can quickly pinpoint what you don’t like about it, and your barber will be able to help you better.

If your hair is cut too short, your barber can always add more layers and make it look more flattering. If your hair is too long, they can cut it shorter and make it feel more manageable. If you have a blunt, boxy shape, they can take out some of the lengths, add layers and make it look more natural and textured.

3. Experiment With New Hair Styles

If your hair isn’t salvageable, don’t panic. You can turn your lousy haircut into something you’re excited about.

Invest in a new hair accessory or headband to jazz up your new, shorter hairstyle. You could try a trendy messy bun or even get in the kitchen and try out a brand-new hairstyle. Many hairstyles you see on Pinterest only take a few minutes to style, and they can make the most of the hair you have left.

It will probably feel weird at first, but try not to panic. After all, your hair is just hair, and it will always grow back.

4. Shave it All Off

If your barber has screwed up and you can’t fix it, the best thing you can do is shave it all off. You’ll be surprised how liberating a bald head can be, and you’ll be free to grow out a new hairstyle.

This is not an option for everyone, of course. But if you’re already stuck with a bad haircut, you might as well put it to good use.


Getting a bad haircut is awkward at best, and it can honestly make you feel pretty terrible about yourself. But fear not: there is a solution, and it will have you feeling like yourself again in no time (maybe even better than ever).

Just make sure you give your barber a chance to fix their mistake. They probably did their best, which is just a case of things not working out. But in the end, it’s the only way you can expect to feel confident again.

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