Before the invention of the modern shaving razor, single razors dominated bathroom dressers because they were the only way men could shave their beards.

Don’t get us wrong, modern shaving razors are efficient and easy to use, but there’s something about single razors that makes them the perfect tool for shaving a beard.

The design is simple. A single razor has a blade with one edge that folds into a handle, hence the name “single razor.”

These razors have existed for thousands of years, dating back to ancient Egyptian times.

In this article, we list down why you should use single razors more when shaving. Read on below to get started.

#1 – Single Razor is Easier to Use

You might think that a single razor is tricky to use, but that’s far from the truth. Since there’s only one blade, you don’t have to exert force in using it because the razor is blunt.

All you need to do is simply glide it over the area you want to shave, and the blade will do all the work.

#2 – Single Razor is Cheaper in price

Back in the day, single razors were expensive. Today, however, this isn’t the case anymore. With the rise of the modern shaving razor, single razors have been reduced to a fraction of what they used to cost.

You can easily purchase one for the same price you may spend on a pack of modern razors.

#3 – Single Razors Are Eco-Friendly

Single razors make it a point to be eco-friendly. Traditional razors have blades that can be disposed of after use.

They’re known to be extremely harmful to the environment and were banned in some countries because of this. On the other hand, single razors can be used for years to come.

You can reuse a single razor countless times as long as you maintain it.

#4 – They Can Be Personalized

Single razors can be customized. You can engrave the blade with your name to make it a personal possession, or you can even use it to add an artistic touch to your bathroom. When you think about it, there’s a sense of accomplishment in using a single razor bearing your name for shaving.

#5 – It’s Safe to Use Single Razor

Unlike modern razors, single razors are nowhere near as dangerous or hazardous. The only way you can cut yourself when using a single razor is if you bring the blade across your skin at an awkward angle. You can also cut yourself when you’re not paying attention and can’t tell where the blade is. In contrast, modern razors have a high risk of cutting yourself because of the blades and the pressure you exert on them.

#6 – It Doesn’t Cut as Deep

Modern razors have several blades that tend to cut deeper because of the pressure exerted in using them. This makes them more dangerous than single razors. In contrast, the single blade of a single razor has a blunt edge, which means it makes shaving more comfortable. It doesn’t cut as deep and won’t leave any cuts on your face or neck.

#7 – Gives Better Results

The main reason why single razors are still popular is because of the quality that they can produce. They can help you achieve a close shave that’s difficult to achieve with modern razors. There are no bumps or cuts that can be seen on your face after a single razor shave.​

Even if you have a bad razor, you can still shave your beard without issue, but the result won’t be as close as using an excellent single razor. Regardless, you’ll never have to worry about having a patchy or unkempt beard with a single razor on your side because you’ll get that ultra-smooth and clean look every time you shave.


If you want to shave like how our forefathers did in the old days, then it’s about time you invest in a single razor. Not only will it give you a better shave, but it also feels cooler and more like a warrior.

You only have benefits to gain and nothing to lose when you use a single razor for shaving, so you should do it the next time you shave.

DAS’it Barbershop provides top-quality services for shaves and beard care with classical razor.  Our team of barbers also has the expertise in cutting hair, so we can guarantee that you’ll feel like a new man after our treatment. Contact us today to learn more!