Most men consider their hair as a symbol of their pride—much like a lion’s mane. So it’s understandable that going bald is such a sensitive topic among us.

Fortunately for us, there are those who’ve taken the plunge (whether by choice or otherwise) and conquered what other men consider their biggest fear. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Bruce Willis, Michael Jordan, Samuel L. Jackson are a few names you definitely recognize. Why do these renowned badasses, who many consider to be the greatest in their field, choose to sport the clean-shaven dome?

We have a few guesses:

Hiding in plain sight

For those experiencing male pattern baldness, instead of wondering whether your combover is obvious (it is) or being asked why you’re always wearing a hat, shave your head and watch the insecurities melt away. People tend to notice the fact that you’re trying to hide your baldness more than your choice of clean hairstyle.

Forever Young

This one is for the older foxes. Virility and toughness are normally associated with baldness. This is probably why shaving your head makes you look at least a decade younger. See for yourself. Try it and let us know how many times you hear, “You look younger.” from friends and family.

The Time of your Life

Shave your head and say hello to way more time on your hands—time you would have spent shampooing, grooming, styling, restyling (see: The Low Maintenance Life), and at men’s hair salons. A quick visit to a professional New York barber will leave you with room for other things in your daily routine.

The Low Maintenance Life

Say goodbye to bad hair days and bad haircuts. Never again will you have to rush to the restroom to fix your hair or have to constantly check how you look on any reflective surface you can find. 

Also, no hair on your head means you don’t have to worry about dirt and dust getting caught in your hair throughout the day and itching up your scalp. A shaved head stays clean and intact with little to no effort.

Wash, dry, and moisturize. Simple!

Quite the Investment

Although the aforementioned badasses might not need it, the choice to go bald gives you access to more affordable haircuts, not to mention the money you’ll save on grooming and styling products that have taken over the past couple of years. And then there’s the money you’ll save from nixing the treatment of male pattern baldness, which does not come cheap. 

Shaving your head might be the most inexpensive hairstyle option.

A Surprisingly Lucrative Career Move

In relation to the investment mentioned in the previous point, studies have shown that those who sport the clean-shaven dome come off as more masculine, dominant, and are better suited for leadership positions.

We can’t guarantee your promotion, but scientifically speaking, a bald head presents you as a good candidate for one. If you don’t believe us, Jeff Bezos and the late Steve Jobs would like a word.

Ladies’ Choice

Science comes through for us once again with research to support why going bald might just be the best decision you’ll make. According to research, you’ll be perceived to be more dominant, more agreeable, 13 percent stronger, and six percent more confident than your head-full-of-hair counterparts. In a densely populated area like New York, these numbers are no joke.

This might just be the move to help you woo the ladies. 


So, should you do it? With all the benefits presented, it’s definitely worth a shot. Save your money, save your time, and save yourself the trouble. Going bald might just be the life-changing move you’ve been waiting for. Who knows? One day, we might even see your name among the greats.

DAS’it Barbershop is the best men’s hair salon in New York City offering services seven days a week. Book an appointment now!