The first visit to a barbershop can be intimidating and overwhelming for parents with young boys or those who are unfamiliar with barbering services. This is the stage during which toddlers are guarded over their personal space and suspicious of strangers. Additionally, they are required to perform the near-impossible: sit still while holding a pair of scissors or clippers inches from their faces. All parents and guardians, at times, must step in to help with the demanding role of parenthood. 

However, many people are unsure of what to do or what to expect. Here are some pointers on interacting with your child in a barbershop. These suggestions are for parents who take their sons to the barbershop.

Tip #1: Describe Your Son’s Desired Haircut in Detail to the Barber

Make it a habit to communicate with your barber effectively. Consider creating a hairstyle for your child and seeking professional assistance on the ideal haircut for your child. 

If you’re not familiar with the terms or actual appearances, look up the different styles on the internet. Parents usually want a low Caesar cut, but young men have a wide range of conservative and appropriate styles to choose from.

One of the most crucial ways to convey how short or long you want your hair to be is to know the size clipper guard. The number of inches of hair removed is determined by this.

Tip #2: Explain to Your Child What to Expect

Discuss with your child what they will witness immediately upon entering the shop, as well as what others will do. Justify his decision to have his hair cut while seated in a chair and wearing a “cape.” Describe how the hairdresser will mist his head with water to make it easier to cut and how she will use scissors to cut his hair to make it seem lighter.

You may even conduct an internet search for images of the salon you like to visit. Knowing what to expect when he can help ease his anxieties and calm him.

Tip #3: If the Barber Is Unprofessional or Frustrating, Leave

Parents must choose an environment that is healthy for them and the child. Likewise, if your kid dislikes the shop, you should find a barber who makes him feel at ease.

We all have the right to avoid situations with which we are uncomfortable. Given that men dominate most barbershops, there may be topics you overhear that are inappropriate for your child, so you should leave the premises.

Final Words

After your barbershop appointment:

  • Do something fun or different, such as take your child to the park or do something else they enjoy.
  • Tell your child that they did an excellent job with their first haircut.
  • Look them in the eyes and compliment them on their new hairstyle.
  • Even if there were some hiccups along the way, link positive feedback to the overall experience.
  • Extra hugs won’t hurt if you have a younger child who doesn’t understand compliments.

Your son’s haircut is essential, and it can be both exciting and unpleasant. You’ll be better prepared and less stressed for the event if you follow these tips. And before you know it, they’ll be asking for the car keys. Do you need a hairstylist to help you with your son’s hair? DAS’it Barbershop is the best place to be!

DAS’it Barbershop is a barbershop in New York City. Our mission is to offer affordable men’s haircuts in New York. Additionally, we serve men of all ages, from youngsters to older citizens. Today, pay a visit to the greatest men’s barbershop in your neighborhood!